PrimeCharts - An Introduction to Investing  
About Us
PrimeCharts and EasySoft has been developing, manufacturing and maintaining stock market related software since inception in 1986.   Started, and still operated by people who invest and trade in the market, using the same data and tools they market to you.

Additionally they provide stock market data for PrimeCharts, MetaStock, SuperCharts and ASCII supporting programs.

Our range of data has grown from supplying just the JSE equities to now supplying data for the Australian, South African, United Kingdom and United States markets along with an extensive array of general internationally needed data items (Indices, Forex, Futures, Commodities etc).   Our data is packaged into 4 categories (ASX, JSE, UK and USA markets) and is drawn from an extensive number of exchanges and institutions.

All equity data is end of day, though certain global indices are updated at various stages of the day (suitably delayed per exchange requirements).   We provide a global component at no extra cost when you subscribe to one or more of the four feeds that covers major indices, metals, forex etc.   We also have an extensive additional component with every global forex cross rate and every crypto-currency.

Although the PrimeCharts version of our download service is tightly integrated with the PrimeCharts Market Master and Market Explorer technical analysis programs, the data feeds are also available for MetaStock and the Omega SuperCharts and TradeStation software packages ... and any others that read these formats.   We thus provide historic data in both the MetaStock and Omega formats.  We also provide our data in ASCII format.


In providing computer software, methodologies, stock exchange data, educational content and/or training, neither EasySoft nor PrimeCharts takes into account the investment objectives, financial situation and/or particular needs of any particular person.  Before making an investment decision on the basis of this or any other website, a computer software package, and/or related data therein, the investor or prospective investor needs to consider, with or without the assistance of a securities adviser applicable to the area in which the investor resides and/or intends investing in, whether the advice is appropriate in light of the particular investment needs, objectives and financial circumstances of the investor or prospective investor.

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