An Introduction to Investing |
Most people think that the Stock Exchange (known as the ASX, JSE, LSE, etc.) has nothing to do with them, but that could not be further from the truth.
(click image to enlargen)

If you have an insurance policy, if you pay pension or provident-fund contributions, or buy unit trusts, then it matters a great deal.
Just ask yourself what the people who collect your money do with it?
They invest it in shares listed on the local or one of the international stock exchanges so as to outpace inflation and ensure that when
you retire or reap your insurance money, there is enough to pay you out adequately in addition to covering all their own running expenses!
There is also a general misconception that investing in the stock market requires specialised training,
in-depth knowledge and is extremely high-risk - generally an area for just a select few to dabble in.
Often when you mention the stock market, people relate how a friend of theirs lost everything by investing.
Again, nothing could be further from the truth!
The objective of the course on this website is to teach you the personal benefits of investing.
It goes further in that it shows you how to practically go about becoming a successful investor.
The Glossary and seven lessons can be obtained as PDF documents (click here to do so now).
These PDF documents also have questions at the end so you can assess how well you have understood each lesson.
We also provide the model answers for all the questions so you can self-evaluate your progress.
Why does PrimeCharts want to help assist you to become a successful investor (or trader)?
Because when you are successfuly, you will continue in the market for the rest of your life, and thus be in need of our software and data feeds!