PrimeCharts - An Introduction to Investing  


PrimeCharts, EasySoft & INDS fully understand that you care how information about you is used and shared. This notice describes the privacy policy of PrimeCharts, EasySoft & INDS and their related Web sites. When you visit any of our Web sites, you are accepting and consenting to the practices described in this Privacy Notice.

The information we learn from customers helps us personalise and continually improve our software and services to better suit your needs. We use the information to handle orders, deliver products and services, process payments, communicate with you about orders, products, services and promotional offers that might be of interest to you, update our records and generally maintain your accounts with us.

We also use this information to improve our store and platform, prevent or detect fraud or abuses of our Web site and enable third parties to carry out technical, logistical or other functions on our behalf.

We receive and may store any information you enter on our Web sites or give us, and/or any of our associates, in any other way. You can choose not to provide certain information, but then you might not be able to take advantage of many of our features. We use the information that you provide for such purposes as responding to your requests, customising future shopping for you, improving our store, and communicating with you.

Like many Web sites, we use "cookies" and we obtain certain types of information when your Web browser accesses our Web sites. We recommend that you leave them turned on. For instance, if you block or otherwise reject our cookies, you will not be able to add items to your shopping Basket, proceed to Checkout, or use any products and services that require you to Log In. If you do leave cookies turned on, be sure to sign off when you finish using a shared computer. You can delete our cookies after you leave our Web sites.

We use e-mail as our primary means of communicating with our existing and potential customers. To help us make e-mails more useful and interesting, we may sometimes receive a confirmation when you open e-mail from us if your computer supports such capabilities. We also compare our customer list to lists received from other companies in an effort to avoid sending unnecessary messages to our customers. If you do not want to receive e-mail or other mail from us, please adjust your Customer Communication Profile.

Information about our customers is an important part of our business and we are not in the business of selling it to others. We do not pass any of your information on to third parties.

We work to protect the security of your information during your Web session with us. We never capture any credit card information from you - all such information is captured directly by WorldNet and is not transmitted to us in any manner (you may read more about WorldNet and your credit card security here). We maintain physical, electronic and procedural safeguards in connection with the collection, storage and disclosure of personally identifiable customer information. Our security procedures mean that we may occasionally request proof of identity before we disclose personal information to you. It is important for you to protect against unauthorised access to your password and to your computer. Be sure to log off when you finish using a shared computer.

You can always choose not to provide information, even though it might be needed to make a purchase or to take advantage of the full use of our Web site. You can add or update certain information. When you update information, we usually keep a copy of the previous version for our records. If you do not want to receive e-mail or other mail from us, please adjust your Customer Communication Preferences. (If you do not want to receive Conditions of Use and other legal notices from us, such as this Privacy Notice, those notices will still govern your use of our Web sites and our ongoing commitment to you, and it is your responsibility to review them for changes.) 

In providing computer software, methodologies, stock exchange data, educational content and/or training, neither EasySoft nor PrimeCharts takes into account the investment objectives, financial situation and/or particular needs of any particular person.  Before making an investment decision on the basis of this or any other website, a computer software package, and/or related data therein, the investor or prospective investor needs to consider, with or without the assistance of a securities adviser applicable to the area in which the investor resides and/or intends investing in, whether the advice is appropriate in light of the particular investment needs, objectives and financial circumstances of the investor or prospective investor.

Use of this and our related websites are subject to Terms and Conditions of use that you are bound to - Please review our Privacy Policy