PrimeCharts - An Introduction to Investing  
What You will Lean in the Course
This course is divided into Seven Lessons. Listed below is what each Lesson contains:

Lesson 1      
  Introduction to the Stock Market  
      The Start of the Stock Exchange
    The Exchange History
    What Are Stocks and Shares
    Fundamental Analysis
    Technical Analysis
    Where to Go for Stock Market Information
    Understanding Your Newspaper or Internet Share Page
Lesson 2      
  Basics of Fundamental Analysis  
      Understanding Financial Statements
  The structure of the Exchange  
      Evaluating Gold Shares
  Industrial Share Analysis  
      The Industrial Indices
  Share Splits & Consolidations  
  Rights Issues  
  Capitalisation Issues  
  Cautionary Announcements  
  Insider Trading  
  How to Buy Shares/Stocks  
    Market Cycle
    Product Cycle
    Investor Behaviour
Lesson 3      
  Technical Analysis - The Basics  
      Types of Charts
  Identifying & Using Trends  
    Signs of A Reversal in Trend
  Identifying & Using Patterns  
Lesson 4      
  Technical Analysis - Moving Averages/td>  
  What Numbers should you use/td>  
  Technical Analysis - Indicators/td>  
      The Start of the Stock Exchange
    On Balance Volume (OBV)
    Overbought/Oversold (OB / OS)
    Relative Strength Index (RSI)
    Momentum (Rate of Change)
    Exponential Oscillator
    Relative Strength
Lesson 5      
  Economic Analysis & the Stock Market  
      Balance of Payments
    Gold and Foreign Exchange Reserves
    Exchange Rates
    Interest Rates - What They Mean
    The Money Market
    Measuring Economic Growth
    Money Supply
  Personal Financial Planning  
  Structuring Your Portfolio  
      Share Selection Points to Remember
  Tax Implications of Share Dealings  
Lesson 6      
  Other Markets  
  Gilts or Bonds  
  Forex and Crypto-Currencies  
Lesson 7      
  Point & Figure Charting  
      Constructing a Point & Figure Chart
    Interpreting the Point and Figure Chart
    Drawing Trend lines on P & F Charts
    Point & Figure Channel Lines
    The Horizontal Count
    The Vertical Count
  Wave Theory  

If you wish to do this course using the correspondence course” concept, then obtain the PDF copies of each lesson (To obtain this as a PDF document click here) and after completing each one, test your knowledge by answering all the questions for that lesson.   You can then assess you progress by comparing your answers with the “model” answers for that lesson.


In providing computer software, methodologies, stock exchange data, educational content and/or training, neither EasySoft nor PrimeCharts takes into account the investment objectives, financial situation and/or particular needs of any particular person.  Before making an investment decision on the basis of this or any other website, a computer software package, and/or related data therein, the investor or prospective investor needs to consider, with or without the assistance of a securities adviser applicable to the area in which the investor resides and/or intends investing in, whether the advice is appropriate in light of the particular investment needs, objectives and financial circumstances of the investor or prospective investor.

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