PrimeCharts - An Introduction to Investing  

Refunds & Returns

There is nothing that needs to be returned to us. All the products and services on this site are available initially via trial online download. The onus is thus on you to ensure that the product(s) and services work on your computer, and are suitable for your purposes via this free trial usage. Should you purchase our software directly, without previous trial use, it is assumed that you have deemed our software and services as suitable for your needs. Once you have purchased software from us it is not refundable.

Should you determine that our products and/or services do not meet your needs during this initial trial period, simply stop using them. If at any stage after this, our products and services no longer meet your needs, simply cancel your subscription(s) and stop using our products. Our software can be easily un-installed or removed from your machine should you so desire.

All data download subscriptions are provided on a month-to-month basis. This is controlled by you, and can be cancelled by you at any stage. When you cancel a download subscription for an exchange, you will be entitled to download data for that exchange up to and including the last day of the month in respect of which you have already been debited.

Irrespective of your using our software and services during the trial period, and/or when you are paying for such, or at any stage thereafter, you may not copy, duplicate, transfer or redistribute in any form, either our software and/or the stock exchange data that you may have downloaded to your computer for any purposes whatsoever. Please see our 'Terms and Conditions' for further details.

In providing computer software, methodologies, stock exchange data, educational content and/or training, neither EasySoft nor PrimeCharts takes into account the investment objectives, financial situation and/or particular needs of any particular person.  Before making an investment decision on the basis of this or any other website, a computer software package, and/or related data therein, the investor or prospective investor needs to consider, with or without the assistance of a securities adviser applicable to the area in which the investor resides and/or intends investing in, whether the advice is appropriate in light of the particular investment needs, objectives and financial circumstances of the investor or prospective investor.

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